"Do everything in love." (1 Corinthians 16:14)



My arms and back are itchy. They have red bumps on them. My throat hurts. I am lightheaded. My stomach is queasy. I have no appetite.
Allergic reaction to something? I am thinking it might be so. I obtained hives all over me when I got stung by that bee in fourth grade, and now we know I am deathly allergic. I am a slave to my Epinephrine-Pen.
Joshua put paint thinner in his fire the other night. I believe I inhaled the fumes which probably contain chemicals. And the smoke from it enveloped my skin.
Either that or something else caused it which I have not a clue about.
Now I must go take a benadryl again. Watch me fall into another two and a half hours of hard, deep sleep.
Praying it goes away soon...

1 comment:

Christy said...

anne of green gables helped right?! you stayed awake for so long!