"Do everything in love." (1 Corinthians 16:14)



Today was a good day. After some last minute Minnesota shopping, I got to meet up with Tiara. We haven't gotten together in about two months so it was great to finally get to talk with her! We talked for about two and a half hours straight and I got a lot off of my chest, I love talking with her so much! She is such an amazing woman, really.
I also bought "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers. I really want to make devotionals and reading my Bible more of a priority in my life because it needs to be.
I got my Multicultural Psychology in the mail this evening.
I must admit I am somewhat on edge once again tonight. My stomach is not pleased with me. I am convinced one day it's going to completely turn on me and leave my body to fend for itself. I don't think it likes food, but unfortunately, my body does.
And now I must get some sleep once again.

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